- Clause
Word that comes from business law. Refers to a statement or term in the contract.
Example sentence:
Our advisors have a few questions over the latest clauses that have been added to section nine of the contract. When can we review these?
2. Non binding
When a clause or term in a business agreement cannot be legally enforced.
Example sentence:
Your business premises contract will be null and void in 30 days.
3. Null and void
When something is invalid = null
When something has been cancelled or deleted = void
Example sentence:
The lease on your business offices will become null and void in 30 days if you don’t renew.
4. Invoice
A bill that shows the list of good and or services purchased from a business. Their prices. The dates purchased. The total amount paid.
Example sentence:
Please can you pay your invoice within the 30 days please.
- Consensus
When everyone is in agreement about the same topic, question or issue.
Example sentence:
In this weeks meeting, all the managers were in consensus that the new contracts should start next week.